This policy addresses the Health, safety and Environmental risks to our operations; and the potential impact on our host communities and staff; with strong management commitment at the highest level. This policy reflects good working practices and shall be made mandatory.
Therefore, it shall be our policy to:
The implications of this policy are that:
All activities shall be analyzed to systematically identify related hazards, risks and sensitivities.
Arrangements shall be put in place to control the hazards, risks and sensitivities and to deal with consequences should they arise.
Continually assess environmental impact and reduce it to a level as low as practicable.
Include HSE performance in the appraisal of all staff and reward accordingly.
As HSE remains the responsibility of each and every one of us, every employee and contractor employee must plan and perform his work in accordance with this policy, this policy shall be a high level document, clearly understood by all staff, distributed to all and we shall all be guided by this policy.