MEGASHORE OILFIELD SERVICES LIMITED is totally committed to quality in the performance of its work, quality ranks alongside timely completion and cost as primary objectives.
The policy of the management of the company is that all personnel, in all job functions, perform their duties in accordance with requirements of the Quality System and are committed to quality objectives of MEGASHORE in their everyday activities.
It is the intent of management to provide the resources to establish maintain and document an effective and economical quality system, developed and implemented as an integral part of management functions. This system is subject to regular review and areas off non-compliance will be reported. The management of the company will oversee appropriate corrective action.
Quality enhanced by working in a systematic manner to formalized procedures designed to eliminate the occurrence of deficiencies and to promote uniformity of working practices throughout MEGASHORE irrespective of contract requirements. All corporate procedures, fundamental to the internal control of the company, shall be implemented at all times without deviation.
Based on this, our quality management system has been developed to comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001/2000 International Organization for Standardization and Contract Quality requirements.